Helping nature create life

Fertility treatments offered by Fertilia

What we treat

Unexplained infertility

This diagnosis is made by the doctor when there is no known cause for the inability to conceive. Our treatments are a very interesting option for patients diagnosed with unexplained infertility, as our aim is to discover and treat the root/energy cause of this condition.

We find that our treatments can regulate the menstrual cycle to about 28 days, with ovulation occurring around day 14, accompanied by abundant cervical mucus (egg white type), no PMS, at least a 4 day period, no menstrual cramps, no clots. Under these conditions, fertility can be greatly optimised. If you have been diagnosed with unexplained infertility, please contact us!

Recurrent miscarriage

Repeat miscarriages occur when there is an accidental spontaneous termination of pregnancy on at least two successive occasions. After 2 repeat miscarriages, it is advisable to consult a doctor to assess the condition, including the possibility of uterine malformation, bleeding disorders or hormonal imbalance.

It is believed that the miscarriage rate could be as high as 50%. Many pregnancies, in their early stages, would therefore end in a miscarriage, which would then be perceived as menstruation.

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) attributes various possible causes to miscarriage and has, for thousands of years, helped women to correct the problems responsible for spontaneous termination of pregnancy. After analysing your health condition from a TCM perspective, we will undertake a treatment that may help your body to return to normal function. Acupuncture, through its energetic action, can help reduce the risk of miscarriage by :

  • Increasing blood flow to the ovaries, helping to better nourish the developing follicles and ultimately allowing the creation of better quality eggs and embryos
  • Increasing blood flow to the testicles, promoting better sperm quality and thus contributing to a better quality embryo.
  • Nourishing the developing fetus by improving blood flow to the placenta and preventing uterine contractions
  • Regulating hormone production to improve ovarian function, egg quality and progesterone levels.
  • Calming the patient and reducing stress levels to prevent premature uterine contractions.

Please contact us to see how we can help you!

Difficulty conceiving again (secondary infertility)

Primary" infertility is when a person has difficulty getting pregnant the first time, while "secondary" infertility is when a woman has already had a child and is having difficulty conceiving again.

The scenario may seem confusing, because if a woman was able to conceive once, why can't she do it again? Many of the conditions that cause primary infertility can also cause secondary infertility. Also, depending on age, diet, exposure to toxins and many other factors, the quality of the eggs may be inferior to that of the first pregnancy. 

Similarly, an imbalance in other systems may play a role in a woman's ability to become pregnant. For example, an over- or under-functioning thyroid or a blood sugar disturbance can affect hormones and ovulation.

We also make sure to ask questions about how the birth was experienced. Some women experience an emotional shock during childbirth. Sometimes they cry when they talk about it, and most women admit that they have not 'questioned' the feelings about the birth very much.

Some women consciously or unconsciously repress emotions such as frustration, shame, helplessness, dissatisfaction and disappointment. These feelings, which can be heavy to bear, can be the cause of energetic "blockages" affecting fertility.

Low ovarian reserve

The ovarian reserve is an estimate of the amount of eggs remaining in the ovaries. As we age, this reserve decreases. Consequently, a strong correlation between a woman's age and her ovarian reserve can be expected. This is not always the case, however, as many older women retain a high reserve despite their age, while younger women have a low reserve.

Relationship between FSH and ovarian reserve

FSH (Follicle Stimulating Hormone) is a hormone produced by the pituitary gland. It stimulates the growth of follicles and eggs in the ovaries during each menstrual cycle. In young women, who usually have a large supply of eggs, the amount of FSH needed to stimulate their growth will be low, whereas in older women, who are disadvantaged by a decrease in the quality and/or quantity of eggs, the pituitary gland must secrete more FSH to stimulate egg growth. In short, the lower the ovarian reserve of eggs, the higher the production of FSH must be to stimulate the development of these eggs. Thus, a decline in ovarian reserve will be responsible for an increasingly high FSH level.

Role of acupuncture

For patients with low ovarian reserve, the aim of Traditional Chinese Medicine is to improve, to increase, the blood supply to the ovaries, thus allowing a better receptivity to pituitary stimulation and thus a decrease in the level of FSH required. With age, the blood supply to the ovaries decreases due to a narrowing of the capillaries carrying the blood. A study of the effects of acupuncture on ovarian reserve by Dr. Paul C. Magarelli (Study 19) found that women with decreased ovarian reserve and high FSH who used acupuncture in addition to IVF could expect the same chance of success as those with normal ovarian reserve, normal FSH and who used IVF but not acupuncture. This means that, according to this study, the use of acupuncture in patients with a poor prognosis (high FSH, long history of infertility, low ovarian reserve and poor sperm morphology) can achieve the same success rates as in patients with a normal prognosis.

If you have been diagnosed with low ovarian reserve, advanced maternal age, high FSH, ovulation disorders, or have had to cancel an IVF cycle due to poor ovarian response, our services can be a natural, safe and effective solution to help you conceive.

Contact us to make an appointment and see if our Fertilia method can make a difference for you...

Help with IVF or insemination

Did you know that acupuncture could increase your chances of IVF success by about 60% according to a study by Dr W. Paulus (Paulus W et al, Fertil Steril 2002 Vol 77, pg 721-724 Fertility and Sterility)? 

Indeed, it has been shown that acupuncture can not only help to relax you during the IVF procedure, but also has a beneficial effect on various parameters that positively influence fertilisation. 

Acupuncture and IVF, having very different origins and modes of action - practically diametrically opposed - are for some, and at first sight, unusual or mismatched partners. Yet there are excellent reasons, confirmed by studies, to combine these solutions to increase your chances of a successful pregnancy.


Acupuncture can help couples using IVF in several ways:

  • In recent years, some studies have concluded that acupuncture treatments associated with IVF, especially before and after embryo transfer, increase the implantation rate (1)
  • Acupuncture treatments before and during the IVF cycle have a positive effect on endometrial formation and improve hormonal levels, thereby increasing the pregnancy rate (probably by increasing blood flow to the uterus and ovaries)(2)
  • Acupuncture reduces the level of anxiety associated with infertility and IVF (3)
  • Acupuncture can improve sperm count, motility and morphology (4,5,6)

1. Cheong Y et al, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 4, Nov 08
2. Magerelli P et al Fertil Steril 2009 in press
3. Domar A Fertil Steril March 1 2008. Epub.
4. Pei J et al Fertil Steril. 2005 Jul;84(1):141-7
5. Siterman S et al Andrologia. 2000Jan;32(1):31-9
6. Gurfinkel E et al Asian J Androl.2003 Dec;5(4):345-8

Cycle or menstrual disorder

A disturbance of the cycle (too short, too long or irregular), as well as abnormal menstruation (scanty, too abundant, too short, too long, presence of clots, pain, interrupted) can be treated with acupuncture. 

Traditional Chinese Medicine places great importance on restoring a regular cycle and normal menstruation to allow conception.

Thin Endometrium

Several factors can cause a thin uterine lining (endometrium).  One cause is due to a structural abnormality, such as uterine fibroids or scar tissue.  A second cause of thin uterine lining may be a nutritional deficiency, such as iron deficiency or simply a lack of nutrient-rich foods.  A third cause of thin lining is poor blood circulation in the uterus.  This problem can be effectively treated with acupuncture.

Improving the thickness of the endometrium with acupuncture

Acupuncture is effective in increasing the thickness of the uterine lining. Acupuncture improves blood flow in the uterine arteries, which promotes a healthy uterine lining. Research has shown that improved blood flow in the uterine arteries is associated with better pregnancy outcomes.


The presence of endometriosis is not necessarily responsible for infertility, but it can be a major contributor.  For example, adhesions from endometrial tissue can reduce fertility by preventing the release of the egg or by impeding its passage to the uterus through the fallopian tubes or by impeding the implantation of the embryo in the uterus.

According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), energetic conditions responsible for endometriosis (Blood Stasis, Qi Stagnation, etc.) can also affect general reproductive health leading to an infertility condition. It is by identifying and treating these common causes of endometriosis and difficulty conceiving that TCM can promote a successful pregnancy.

If you have been diagnosed with endometriosis, contact us, we may be able to help you make the difference...

Polycystic Ovaries

For both conventional and Traditional Chinese Medicine, the "first treatment", if necessary, is weight control through diet and exercise. The aim is to regulate blood sugar levels, reduce insulin resistance and thus improve sugar metabolism. In some women, these measures help to restore normal ovulation.

Although we do not fully understand the causes of SPOK, we do know that acupuncture treatments can reduce some predisposing factors. For example, acupuncture can reduce testosterone and LH (luteinising hormone) levels, leading to a return to more frequent ovulation and better egg quality. Acupuncture can also reduce insulin resistance and calm the hyperactivity of the sympathetic nervous system, both of which are often abnormally high in SPOK (studies 89-105).

If you have SPOK and are trying to conceive naturally or through IVF, you may benefit greatly from a series of acupuncture treatments to improve ovarian function and egg quality.

After a few months of treatment you may start to notice signs of ovulation such as increased vaginal mucus and a rise in temperature. If you have long cycles, ovulation earlier than usual is likely to be a sign of improved egg production and maturation. The quality of your skin may also improve significantly.

At Fertilia, we will assess your signs, symptoms, pulse, tongue according to TCM principles to identify any syndromes or imbalances present. We will then advise you on the appropriate treatments to help you regain a better state of health.

Contact us!

Advanced age

Although age is important, it is not absolute. There are "young 30 year olds" and "old 50 year olds" to quote a popular expression. This means that biological age is a more important criterion than chronological age. Laboratory reports and energetic evaluation according to Traditional Chinese Medicine will allow us to judge this.

Lack of ovulation or menstruation

A normal menstrual cycle should last 26-32 days, including a menstrual phase of 4-7 days. When menstruation is absent and has never occurred in a woman over 18 years of age, this is called primary amenorrhoea. When they are infrequent (cycle of more than 3 months without menstruation) it is called secondary amenorrhoea.

Role of acupuncture

The first step in improving fertility is to regulate the menstrual cycle.  It is therefore necessary to investigate the cause(s) of the absence of menstruation. Traditional Chinese Medicine, for example, identifies various causes of amenorrhoea. The first task of the acupuncturist, during the initial consultation, is to question and observe the patient in order to highlight the factors and syndromes that may explain the absence of menstruation. He will then be able to establish a treatment strategy aiming at the return to a normal functioning of the internal mechanisms and to a regular cycle.

Amenorrhoea and infertility

A successful pregnancy also depends on the quality of ovulation. If the eggs cannot mature regularly and be ejected from the ovary, conception is impossible. It is therefore important to treat the cause of amenorrhoea, which may also be the result of an ovulation disorder. We will first identify the energetic imbalance present, and then we can suggest a personalised natural treatment plan to help restore your fertility.

Don't hesitate to contact us!

Ovarian cysts

Ovarian cysts in Traditional Chinese Medicine are part of the "abdominal masses".  These masses are said to be the result of stasis of energy (Qi) that does not circulate properly.  Acupuncture can be effective in treating an ovarian cyst by restoring normal energy flow. Homeopathy also uses certain remedies for this purpose. 


  • In acupuncture, each case is unique and treated accordingly. Uterine fibroids are generally seen as an accumulation of moisture and mucus, which will eventually form the hard mass that is the fibroid.
  • Acupuncture aims to restore energy flow to the various affected organs so that they can function properly. It has documented effects on blood and lymph circulation, the endocrine system and the nervous system. In other words, we can say that the aim of acupuncture treatment for uterine fibroids is to restore blood and lymph circulation in the pelvic area, while addressing the hormonal and nervous balance which, if unbalanced, is likely to be the cause of the fibroid.
  • In addition, the symptoms of uterine fibroids (pain, heaviness, bleeding) are regularly associated with the menstrual cycle. So when the menstrual cycle is regulated with acupuncture, patients also report a decrease in fibroid symptoms. In some cases, the fibroids will decrease in size or even disappear.

Sensitivity to stress

Constant stress can be very damaging to health, as it can alter the body's delicate homeostasis or natural balance. Stress can particularly affect the heart and cardiovascular system, weaken digestion, deplete energy reserves, disturb blood sugar and hormonal (endocrine) balance, and disrupt sleep and mental health. This is why we need to learn how to manage stress and our reactions to difficult situations in order to achieve greater balance and well-being.

Acupuncture treatments can be very effective in restoring homeostasis by helping to regulate the autonomic nervous system (sympathetic and parasympathetic) and the endocrine system.

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